
Navigate to a independent Aura component from Visualforce Page

Hi Guys, Today in this post we are going to learn on, How to navigate or Display Lightning Components on the click of a button from a Visualforce Page.    Step 1 :  Create Lightning Component [  lcFromVF.cmp   ] <aura:component implements="force:hasRecordId,force:lightningQuickActionWithoutHeader,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes" access="global"> <aura:attribute name="recordId" type="String" /> </aura:component> Step 2 :  Create Visualforce Page [  lcVF.vfp   ] <apex:form> <button onclick="NavigatetoauraComponent();" type="button"> Navigate to aura Component </button> </apex:form> <script> function NavigatetoauraComponent(){ var compDefinition = { "componentDef" : "c:lcFromVF", "attributes" :{ "recordTypeId" : "00Q2v00001fum80", } }; // Ba...

Community are changed to Digital Experience in quick find

Now it will be visible with "Digital Experiences" More Details: Thanks Apex Coder

How to call lightning component from related list button in lightning

Create a List type button Lightning App Lightning Component Visualforce Page

Lightning:input type date not displaying correctly

CSS Issue like this: Using this CSS: .THIS .slds-datepicker__month tr>td:first-child { padding-left:0px !important; } .THIS .slds-datepicker__month tr>th { padding-left:0px !important; padding-left: 0px !important; } .THIS .slds-datepicker__month tr>td:last-child { padding-right: 0px !important; padding-left: 0px !important; } .THIS .slds-datepicker__month tr>th:last-child { padding-right: 0px !important; padding-left: 0px !important; } .THIS .slds-datepicker__month .slds-day{ margin:0px !important; } Output will come like this Hope this will help to you. Thanks Apex Coder

How to debug a aura component is running on community or a normal app

Using this code: doInit: function(component, event, helper) { var context = (new RegExp('.*?\/s\/','g')).exec(window.location.href); var path=(new RegExp(':\/\/(.*\.com)\/([A-Za-z0-9]*\/)?s\/','g')).exec(window.location.href); context != null ? path[2] == undefined ? '' : path[2] : null; console.log('###',context); } Community Debug: Non-Community Debug: Thanks Apex Coder
Display Standard Header on VF Page In Lightning  Hello All, The standard Salesforce Classic header and sidebar are always suppressed for pages when they’re displayed in Lightning Experience. In particular, the showHeader and sidebar attributes of <apex:page> have no effect on Visualforce pages when displayed in Lightning Experience. Pages behave as though the showHeader and sidebar attributes of <apex:page> are both set to false. showHeader Boolean value that specifies whether the Salesforce tab header is included in the page. If true, the tab header is displayed. If not specified, this value defaults to true. Note: In Lightning Experience and Salesforce1 the value of this attribute is overridden, and is always false. Refer to this URL: But there is a trick that you can use for show header in lightning: